If You're So Smart...

Why Aren't You Where You Want to Be?


Welcome to my newsletter (est. 5 min read).

In this newsletter, I will be going over the following things:

  • Developing work ethic

  • Simple questions that can change your life

  • …and much, much more!

Actionable Tip

Saying things like "work smarter, not harder" & "focus on high leverage activities' is all fun & games until you get to a certain level

Then everybody is smart, does high leverage activities, but also works 12-16 hours per day

Dedicate rest of 2024 to developing work ethic

Free Resources

  • Video: Do This To Double Your Business In The Next 90 Days (link)

  • Video: If I Wanted To Create A Million Dollar Business In 2024, This Is What I'd Do (FULL BLUEPRINT) (link)

  • Post: 15 Things You'll Learn If You Stay In Business For Long Enough at a Decently-High Level (link)

  • Post: Why "Drop Out of School and Go All In" is Not Typically Good Advice (link)

  • Document: Standards & Culture (link)

Today, I was reminded about some of the most juvenile yet profound set of questions that I've ever read. They may seem overly simplistic when you read them in insolation, but I can assure you that they can change your life.

Here they are:

  1. If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?

  2. If you're so smart, why don't you have the perfect marriage or relationship?

  3. If you're so smart, why aren't you completely jacked with a six-pack?

  4. If you're so smart, why don't you have a waitlist of people desperate to pay you money for your product or services?

  5. If you're so smart, why don't you have it all, and more?

These questions are very important because they could come from the mind of an eight-year old just as easily as they could come from the mind of the most learned philosopher.

They are very important, because they are true.

On average, people have way too much ego. They think they are smart. They are too proud. Because of this, they never get help and they never learn.

Realistically, if they were so smart, why don't they earn millions of dollars? Why don't they have the most perfect, loving relationship ever? Why aren't they in peak health with a perfect body?

Ohhhhhh. I know why.

Because they really aren't that smart after all. If they were, they would have all those things. I understand now.

Getting rid of the ego, or at least managing it correctly will help you make more progress in six months than you would have in 10 years otherwise.

Next time you are not getting the result you desire in every part of life, remember that it is because you don't know something that you need to know. This doesn't necessarily mean knowledge. You can logically know that you need to eat less calories to lose weight, but you need to "understand" or "learn" it on an emotional, nervous-system level.

Read this email multiple times, and internalize it. It will be a good use of your time.

Good luck.

1000x Leads

Join 1000x Leads: If you own an agency or a B2B business doing over $10k per month and you want the systems, processes, strategies that you need to scale to $100k/mo and beyond, consider joining 1000x Leads.

Book a call with me to see if it’s a good fit:(https://calendly.com/matthewlarsen1000x/30min)

Case Studies

Here are some case studies for our clients in 1000x Leads.

  • $6k to $60k/mo in just 6 months (link)

  • $0 - $30k/mo in four months while in the army (link)

  • $0 - $900k/mo in under 12 months (link)

  • Doubling his business in 79 days (link)

  • And many, many more client wins (link)


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