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- Why Your Facebook Ads Aren’t Working For Your Agency or B2B Business
Why Your Facebook Ads Aren’t Working For Your Agency or B2B Business
Here are 10 common reasons why and how to fix them.

Why Your Facebook Ads Aren’t Working For Your Agency or B2B Business
1. You treat/view your agency ads the same way that you would treat Ecommerce Ads.
No one simply clicks on an ad, goes to a Stripe link and buys "Facebook Ads Management" for $7,000 per month.
This is obvious, but 90% of people run their ads as if this was true.
2. You don't have a complete funnel. The ads and opt in page are 10% of the process
You need either:
A webinar/VSL funnel
A newsletter funnel
A group funnel
A paid product funnel
If you don't immediately know which one you have, chances are you don't have any of them.
3. You need a way to qualify the leads
This is why you need a webinar, or a live workshop, or a group.
You can ask for way more information (ie. revenue, website, etc.) to access these things and it will help you filter who is qualified and who is not.
4. Your email flows are not done properly. These are 10/10 important to nurture
You need two types of email flows:
60 minute email flow. These are 4+ emails in first 60 min explaining your offer.
30 day email flow. These are one email per day answering an objection or FAQ.
5. You don't post content alongside your ads
When people come from ads, they are 10/10 "cold." They've likely never heard of you before and haven't watched your YouTube videos or read your Tweets.
You need to promote your videos in every single email flow + on the TY page.
6. Your lead magnet is terrible
People can't read your mind. If your lead magnet is basic, they will assume you are basic.
People don't want to do it themselves. They just want to know that you know how to do it.
This is why your lead magnet needs to be good and high-effort.
7. You don't have an intro offer
The amount of people who think creating a good offer means adding a "or you don't pay" guarantee to their main offer is truly extraordinary.
Hardcore guarantees are very ineffective on main services.
They are designed for your INTRO offer.
8. You are not monetizing the 99% of leads who are unqualified
99% of people you get from Facebook Ads will not be qualified to buy. You need to have different offers for them.
Paid products
Affiliate links
Referral Partnerships
YouTube Video Of The Day
This is a video on 12 Years of Agency Lessons in 21 Minutes. Feel free to give it a watch.
How I Can Help
Join 10k Per Month: https://skool.com/10kpermonth/about
Join 1000x Leads: https://1000xleads.com
Book a Call: https://calendly.com/matthewlarsen1000x/30min
Program Overview: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1v47B8yVNItyxpfgOzkDngCcTdPdWJWe1V6N3HcbgeXY/edit?usp=sharing
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