What To Do If Your Pipeline Is Dry

Here are the top 10 things to start doing every single day for the next 30 days if your pipeline is dry.

What To Do If Your Pipeline Is Dry

If your pipeline is dry and you are screwed, here are the top 10 things to start doing every single day for the next 30 days:

1. Start posting one full length YouTube video per day. Screenshare a Miro Board and actually teach them something.

2. Start sending at least 5,000 cold emails per day with an offer of free work. Then, upsell a percentage later.

3. Create a 30-60 minute video case study of how you helped X client achieve Y result.

Then, run ads to this from YouTube and Facebook.

4. Create a way better intro offer. It will always be far easier to make sales with a one-time, lower commitment intro offer, then you can upsell them later.

5. Start actually working. Most people overestimate how many hours they work by 5:1 or 10:1.

Start working with a 60 minute timer and filling out a form after every hour to prove you worked.

6. Follow up with every single person in your CRM at least twice per week promoting your new intro offer.

7. Do 60 minutes of manual prospecting per day on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram. Manually find people who could be clients and start a relationship with them.

It will be tempting to try to sell them asap. Don't.

8. Start emailing your list (newsletter) three times per week on M/W/F.

This is one of the number one ways to nurture and convert clients yet 99% of people don't do it or do it way too infrequently for it to be effective.

9. Do another 60 minutes of manual prospecting to potential partners. Newsletter owners, podcast owners, community owners, etc. Try and get them to let you do a presentation for them and their audience.

10. Post on Twitter 3-5x per day and cross-post it to LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. Focus on Threads, Graphics, Auto DMs, and then single Tweets to nurture.

Bonus: Don't ever take time off/neglect your pipeline ever again. There is typically a 90-day delay, so the reason you're in this situation is you stopped doing this stuff 90+ days ago and are now feeling the effects.

Hopefully you only have to learn this lesson once.

YouTube Video Of The Day

This is a video on a Single Offer Made Me Over $5 Million In One Year. Feel free to give it a watch.

How I Can Help

Join 1000x Leads: https://1000xleads.com


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