The Three Things I Am Working On

These three things provide the most value to my business


Welcome to my newsletter (est. 5 min read).

In this newsletter, I will be going over the following things:

  • Focusing on things that provide the most value to your business

  • Offers and revenue streams you need to max out your potential

  • …and much, much more!

Actionable Tip

Try this content plan for next 90 days:

  1. One YouTube video per day (Miro Board, no editing)

  2. Five tweets per day (make sure all are actionable)

  3. Cross-post tweets to LinkedIn + IG

  4. Newsletter M-F

  5. Post in group M-F

  6. One short form per day based on highest performing tweets

Best Links

12 Years of Agency Lessons in 21 Minutes (link)

All the Offers/Revenue Streams You Need to Max Out Your Potential (link)

The Best Lead Generation Training On The Internet (link)

One of my favorite quotes about business comes from management consulting legend Peter Drucker.

“Nothing is as useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.”

Beautifully said. A work of art.

I love this quote in combination with another quote by Brian Tracy. He calls it the Rule of Three. It goes something like this:

The Rule of Three declares that if you make a list of everything you do in a week or a month—which may be twenty or thirty activities, for the average person—you will find that only three of those activities account for fully 90 percent of the value of all the work you do.

If you are honest with yourself and truly, truly think about it, you will find that this is correct. There are a very limited number of things you can do that actually make a big difference, and if you did nothing but these three things, almost nothing would change, but at the same time, everything would change.

If you applied a 90% to a 40 hour work week, that would imply that four hours of work lead to 90% of the value you received, and 36 hours led to just 10%. This is an even more accurate and harsh application of the “80/20 rule” that we all know and love.

You will learn that this is not an exaggeration only once you begin to brainstorm, reflect and choose to apply it to your own business. You can quite literally get rid of 90% of what you are doing, whether that means delegating it or simply not doing it at all. It will make zero difference in terms of the negatives or downside.

However, if you fill those 36 hours by doing more of what you were doing during the four hours, you will be working 10x more on the things that actually matter. When you see huge breakthroughs in people’s business and lives, this is usually what is comes from. Working 10x more on the things that actually matter.

For me right now, these three things are:

  1. Making ad creatives

  2. Making YouTube videos

  3. Improving the 1000x Leads product

I am becoming more and more careful about doing anything that is not one of these three things. It will take a lot for me to do anything else. There has to be an exceptional reason to do so.

When you work 10x more on the things that actually matter, you get more volume, and you improve rapidly. You quite literally get 10x the quantity and quality. The beautiful thing is that when you spend 10x more time on these things, you get way more than 10x the result. Even a 10% improvement gets you 5x the result or more. That is why it is so important to combine these two quotes/concepts and then apply them to your life. Chances are, these three things are the things you enjoy doing the most anyways.

1000x Leads

Join 1000x Leads: If you own an agency or a B2B business doing over $10k per month and you want the systems, processes, strategies that you need to scale to $100k/mo and beyond, consider joining 1000x Leads.

Book a call with me to see if it’s a good fit:(

Case Studies

Here are some case studies for our clients in 1000x Leads.

  • $6k to $60k/mo in just 6 months (link)

  • $0 - $30k/mo in four months while in the army (link)

  • $0 - $900k/mo in under 12 months (link)

  • Doubling his business in 79 days (link)

  • And many, many more client wins (link)


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