This Is The Work

Decide what to do with your profits

This Is The Work

Because of my current business (1000x Leads) where I help people get more leads, I am told every single day some variation of “I don’t have time for this, I have to do work.”

This is not specific to any demographic, niche or type of person.

Women tell me this. Men tell me this. White people tell me this. Black people tell me this. Asian people tell me this. Brown people tell me this. Older people tell me this. Younger people tell me this. People from the USA tell me this. People from the UK tell me this. And so on.

I know what they mean, of course. The “work” they are referencing is client work. They have to do the work required to get the results for their clients. That is some pretty important stuff to be doing.

However, this is not correct thinking, in the sense that it has very limited upside. One person (ie. them) cannot do the work forever. They will eventually max out on the number of clients they can handle, and even then, they will never be able to take a vacation or stop for any reason. This is the agency “hamster wheel.”

When you are first starting to succeed in business is a crucial time because it is the time where you make a single, specific decision that is going to shape your future in a big way.

This decision is what to do with the profits when you hit $20-30k per month.

Do you?

A) Take it out and start buying shit

B) Use it to hire someone (or multiple people) who can handle the client work

This is what I would consider to be a “defining moment” in a business. There are not many single, universal defining moments, but this is one.

We don’t have to judge people for their choice either. Some people would rather just have a business to support a good lifestyle and they don’t care about making a huge business that can be sold. These people should choose Option A.

Others want to build a big business. These people should choose Option B.

Both have their positives and negatives.

There is one group that will be better off with Option A, and another group that will be better off with Option B.

However, there is a third, dumber group here too. It is the group who wants Option B for themselves and their lives but chooses Option A to try and buy stuff to impress people.

If you want to find an example of this third group that we will call Option C, you won’t have to look very hard. Scroll any social media feed for up to 15 seconds. Seek, and ye shall find.

Option A and B are valid and are matters of preference. Option C is stupid.

The rest of this will be written solely for those choosing Option C as there is relatively little value or advice to offer to A or B. This advice won’t be condescending either.

Building a business in terms of what you do with the profit is much like investing in the stock market. The earlier (and better) you reinvest the profits, the bigger your potential.

That is why the early stage is so important. If you want to build a big business, it is essential that you don’t upgrade your lifestyle with watches, cars, vacations, etc.

All of the profit needs to be reinvested into solving the biggest constraint.

If the constraint is new clients, that should be invested in ads, content, outreach, partnerships and so on.

If the constraint is operations and client fulfillment, then this money should be used to hire an operations manager at a six-figure salary.

If you are the constraint, hire coaches, accountability groups and start to level up your skills.

If time is the constraint, hire a private chef or meal prep company, move to a place with a gym, hire cleaners for your home and a mobile cleaner to come to you for your car, hire a client manager so you don’t need to take those calls and a closer so you don’t have to take sales calls.

All of these constraints can be solved with money, and if you just take out all of the money and finance a Richard Mille over seven years at 10.99%, you will not have enough money to solve these constraints, and if do not solve these constraints, you will never actually go anywhere.

YouTube Video Of The Day

This is a video on the reason you feel burnt out. Feel free to give it a watch.

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