Selling & Scaling A Digital Product

Follow these three criteria for a 90%+ success rate


Welcome to my newsletter (est. 5 min read).

In this newsletter, I will be going over the following things:

  • A mindset shift for the remainder of 2024

  • Criteria for selling and scaling a digital product

  • …and much, much more!

Actionable Tip

2024 mindset shift:

  1. Create a goal

  2. Make a plan

  3. Ruthlessly execute plan (no more "trying" or excuses or "hoping" to achieve it. Just do it)

  4. ???

  5. Achieve goal

Free Resources

  • Video: The Exact Offer That Helped Me Scale to $900k Per Month (link)

  • Video: Watch Me Create a Facebook Ad Campaign For My Agency (link)

  • Post: Success With a B2B Business Comes Down to Three Main Categories (link)

  • Post: Things That Make Your Agency/B2B Business Valuable (link)

  • Document: Guide For Creating 200+ Content Ideas (link)

Selling and scaling a digital product is one of the most difficult but most valuable ways to get agency and B2B clients.

Follow these three criteria for a 90%+ success rate:

1. It either needs to make the more money or save them time (bonus points for both)

It needs to perceived to do one of these two things, just as much as it needs to actually do so.

This is why information is usually a terrible info product. It will cost them time, not save it.

2. It needs to be valuable and appealing to all levels of the market

You can't control who sees your ads and most people are unqualified for your main service.

It has to appeal just as much to beginners as it does to your ideal clients or you will never be profitable.

3. It needs to naturally lead into your main offer

Selling Facebook Ad templates if you are an email marketing agency may get you digital product sales, but it is not going to get you any actual clients.

There is no money in digital product sales. All the money is in the upsell.

Good luck.

1000x Leads

Join 1000x Leads: If you own an agency or a B2B business doing over $10k per month and you want the systems, processes, strategies that you need to scale to $100k/mo and beyond, consider joining 1000x Leads.

Book a call with me to see if it’s a good fit:(

Case Studies

Here are some case studies for our clients in 1000x Leads.

  • $6k to $60k/mo in just 6 months (link)

  • $0 - $30k/mo in four months while in the army (link)

  • $0 - $900k/mo in under 12 months (link)

  • Doubling his business in 79 days (link)

  • And many, many more client wins (link)


Tell me what you think. I always want to make these newsletters as useful as possible.