Four Rules To Make Better Lead Magnets

Actionable tips for improving your lead magnets


Welcome to my newsletter (est. 5 min read).

In this newsletter, I will be going over the following things:

  • Three things to improve on each day

  • Making better lead magnets

  • …and much, much more!

Actionable Tip

B2B Business? Add these three things to your calendar every day:

  1. Ad Creative

  2. YouTube Video

  3. Newsletter

Buy a journal, and before you do each of them, write down one way you will make it better than the last one you did.

Do this every day for one year, then report back.

Free Resources

  • Video: This System Could Save You Millions of Dollars In The Next Few Years (link)

  • Video: The Step By Step Strategy To Create A $1 Million Content Marketing Strategy (link)

  • Post: Metrics to track (in terms of inputs) (link)

  • Post: Easiest way to learn to create offers (link)

  • Document: Inbox Management Guide + Templates (link)

Here are four rules to make better lead magnets:

1. You have 60 seconds to make a first impression

When creating these, assume every single person who opens it is "cold" and this is the first time ever seeing you before.

What will they see in the first few slides (60 seconds)?

2. Even though lead magnets are typically free, you should honestly be willing to pay $50 for it

If this is not true, it is not good enough. Ask around too. Hopefully you have some honest friends that will tell you the truth.

3. It should have a step-by-step plan to get them at least five quick wins.

Theory is good, but without action, it is incomplete.

Always make sure to have five crystal-clear things they can do to get some quick wins.

4. It should be "as readable as possible."

Make sure two things are true:

  • There should only be one idea per slide or headline. If there is more than one, break it up

  • There should be one image/graphic per idea. This will make it easier to understand

Good luck.

1000x Leads

Join 1000x Leads: If you own an agency or a B2B business doing over $10k per month and you want the systems, processes, strategies that you need to scale to $100k/mo and beyond, consider joining 1000x Leads.

Book a call with me to see if it’s a good fit:(

Case Studies

Here are some case studies for our clients in 1000x Leads.

  • $6k to $60k/mo in just 6 months (link)

  • $0 - $30k/mo in four months while in the army (link)

  • $0 - $900k/mo in under 12 months (link)

  • Doubling his business in 79 days (link)

  • And many, many more client wins (link)


Tell me what you think. I always want to make these newsletters as useful as possible.