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Why Creating Graphics Is A Top Six Skill Every Business Owner Needs

Here are steps to take, some examples I’ve made, and what I think you should do to develop this skill.

Why Creating Graphics Is A Top Six Skill Every Business Owner Needs

The ability to create graphics is a game-changer.

It opens up tons of possibilities with your content, presentations, videos, documents, and more.

You know who has their own graphics? Experts.


They don’t have to be overly complex either. You just need to find a way to communicate what is in your mind to a graphic that will help people understand.

Here’s What You Can Do

There are a few different ways you can think about and use these graphics.

The key is to plan them out and then make them. You may suck on the first 1-2 but you get better quickly.

Use Miro Board for it.

You can get better than 99% of people in like two hours of practice, no exaggeration.

Plan to Make 30 Total Graphics

Lay out every single concept, part, problem, step, etc. with your service inside a Gamma Doc. This may not take as long as you think.

For example, here is a mix of objections + ideas that need to be communicated for a landing page offer:

  1. Site speed (Idea)

  2. Above the fold design (Idea)

  3. Offers (Idea)

  4. Design (Idea)

  5. How You Will Ensure It Follows Their Brand Guidelines (Objection)

  6. What Will They Have To Do? (Objection)

  7. How Will They Test It To See If It Works? (Objection)

This is what I mean by the two different groups.

You’ll need graphics for objections and you’ll need graphics for ideas.

When you have 30 graphics, you will have something for every scenario.

After You Do Enough Sales Conversations, You’ll Pretty Much Find There Are 6-10 Objections

The good news is that once you do about 100 total calls in your life, you will essentially narrow down the 6-10 main objections.

Then, you can make graphics to overcome these and incorporate them into your sales presentation/material.

You will then be able to pre-emptively address these in your pitch which looks very strong from a buyer’s point of view.

One Idea + One Graphic Per Slide

In all of your lead magnets, presentations, etc., you can greatly enhance readability and effectiveness by sticking to One Idea + One Graphic per slide of the document.

This is a “night and day” difference in comparison to what people usually do with the big walls of text that are hard to read.

This will make people 10x more likely to actually consume your work.

It doesn’t matter how valuable it is if no one will read it.

This helps.

One of the Best Ways to Make Videos

Making a Miro Board full of graphics, screensharing, and then talking over them is one of the best ways to make videos, and it is a very time-efficient way to do so.

If you take a look at my YouTube channel, I make the Miro type of videos in 10-20 minutes

Use Your Graphics As Top of Funnel Content

One of the best things you can post on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn are your graphics.

They get a lot of attention, build a lot of authority and get you more followers.

Just post them with a bit of an explanation and it will be a great Top of Funnel traffic source.

YouTube Video Of The Day

This is a video on simplifying B2B Content Marketing. Feel free to give it a watch.

How I Can Help

Join 1000x Leads: https://1000xleads.com


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