Are You Asking The Right Questions?

This is how you should frame your questions if you want valuable answers.

Are You Asking The Right Questions?

When I am not working for 12 hours per day, training Muay Thai, lifting weights, or dating, I am pretty much watching TV shows on Netflix or one of the other streaming platforms.

Most people are surprised to hear this, but that is the truth.

One of my favorite shows is “Vikings” which is as the name suggests, about Vikings. Maybe you have watched it, maybe you haven’t. Either way, I will try and fill you in.

In the show, there is a scene between two characters; Ragnar Lothbrok who is the main character of the series. He is first just a simple farm, then becomes Earl (think Chieftain or Warlord), then eventually becomes King of Norway.

In the particular scene, he is talking to the Seer. A “seer” is a person who is supposed to be able, through supernatural insight, to see what the future holds.

Ragnar is asking the Seer questions about his future, and the Seer is giving pretty stupid and useless answers and Ragnar is getting very frustrated and says “you are no help to me at all, ancient one“ and he is about to get up and leave.

The Seer replies, “perhaps you ask the wrong questions.”

I like this scene and especially that answer quite a lot because it reminds me a lot of what I do every day at 1000x Leads.

1000x Leads is a program that helps B2B business owners generate more leads by building a full marketing funnel.

Every single day of my life, I get asked some variations of “why am I not generating any leads or getting any clients?” And every single day, I ask them the following things:

  • Are you running ads?

  • Are you posting content 5x per day on Twitter and LinkedIn?

  • Are you posting a short form video per day?

  • Are you posting a YouTube video every day?

  • Are you sending at least 1,500 cold emails per day?

  • Are you trying to form partnerships?

  • Do you have a great lead magnet?

  • Do you have a 30 day email flow nurturing leads?

  • Do you have either a webinar or a group to help qualify leads?

  • Do you have an appointment setter?

  • Do you send a newsletter 5x per week?

  • Do you have an intro offer?

  • Do you use your CRM properly?

  • Do you have a pre-call flow?

  • Do you have a great sales presentation?

  • Do you follow up a dozen times after the sales call?

  • Do you have a video sales letter?

  • Are you going to business events?

  • Are you prospecting for 60 minutes per day?

The answer is invariably no to all of them. If the answer was yes, they would be generating leads, and that is the point. Perhaps they are asking the wrong questions. Perhaps you are too.

In this situation, it is wrong to be asking “why am I not getting leads?” The real question that I always ask is, “why would you be generating leads lol?”

If you are not doing a single thing that generates leads on a daily basis, why would you think that you would be generating leads? There is no logical reason that you would be. If you were Ragnar, and I was the Seer, you would be receiving stupid and useless answers as well.

This is a great mental exercise to do next time you are feeling frustrated at the lack of progress.

Not, “why am I not (achieving XYZ?)”

It should be “why would I be (achieving XYZ?)”

When you frame it this way, the answer becomes obvious. You can do this in every single area of your life, not just business.

YouTube Video Of The Day

This is a video on An Important Agency Lesson I Learned Far Too Late. Feel free to give it a watch.

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